A strong academic program with a family atmosphere

We commit ourselves to ensuring that all students, regardless of their ethnicity, socio-economic status, gender, or ability level, will enjoy an equal opportunity to succeed in school. We offer language programs such as Cantonese K-5, English Plus Pathway and Elementary Biliteracy Pathway.

We are invested in your child’s growth and education. We give students the skills to share their knowledge, develop a healthy lifestyle, and behave in ways that are respectful to everyone.

Our school is located in the heart of the Richmond district and we continue to serve the family and communities here in various ways.


我們致力於確保所有學生,無論其種族、社會經濟地位、性別或能力水平,學生們都將有平等的機會在學校裏取得成功。 我們提供K-5年級的粵語課程、English Plus Pathway 和 Elementary Biliteracy Pathway(小學粵語雙語途徑) 等語言課程。

我們投資於您孩子的成長和教育。 我們為教授學生並讓他們掌握分享知識、養成健康生活方式以及以尊重每個人的方式行事的技能。


Tours 參觀安排

Come visit our school, and join us! We look forward to welcoming you!

來參觀我們的學校,了解更多關於我們這優越社區! 我們期待您的光臨!

Learn. Laugh. Love.

Our children participate at different events. They learn about different culture and respect different traditions. They celebrate together and with the community.

Don’t miss any event and volunteer to help if you can!

我們的孩子參加不同的活動。 他們了解不同的文化,尊重不同的傳統。 他們一起與我們社區一起慶祝。


Everyone is part of the PTA family

PTA believes family is the basic unit of society responsible for the support and nurturing of all children, and we recognize that “the family” is defined in many ways. So no matter who’s in your family or how you define it, your family is part of the diverse national family millions of members strong - PTA !

Learn more about how you can contribute to the Sutro community.

Donate. Give.

Thank you for considering a donation to Sutro Elementary School!
Your donation will ensure the continuation of our enrichment programs.