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Sutro School Named a 2023 California Distinguished School

Sutro 學校被評為 2023 年加州傑出學校

Sutro School is pleased to announce that it has been recognized as a 2023 California Distinguished School by State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond.

The California Distinguished Schools Award celebrates exceptional schools, districts, teachers, and classified employees for their innovation, talent, and success in supporting students. 

The California Distinguished Schools program recognizes schools for their excellent work in one of two categories: closing the achievement gap and achieving exceptional student performance based on assessment scores, chronic absenteeism rates, suspension rates, and socioeconomic data. Nearly 6,000 public and charter elementary schools in California were eligible, but only 350 were honored with this prestigious award.  


Sutro 學校很高興地宣布,它已被州公共教育總監 Tony Thurmond 評為 2023 年加州傑出學校。


加州傑出學校計劃認可學校在以下兩方面的中的出色工作:縮小成績差距和根據評估分數、長期缺勤率、停學率和社會經濟數據實現卓越的學生表現。 加州近 6,000 所公立和特許小學符合資格,但只有 350 所獲得了這一著名獎項。

I am delighted that Sutro has achieved this honor. It is a true testament to the high caliber of our teachers and our high-achieving students. We feel very proud to be among the schools named a California Distinguished School.
我很高興 Sutro 獲得了這一榮譽。 這是對我們高素質教師和高成就學生的真實認可。 我們為成為加州傑出學校之一感到非常自豪。
— Principal Beth Bonfiglio

Sutro Elementary School, founded in 1894, is located in Richmond District in San Francisco, California. A diverse, tight-knit school, Sutro typically serves between 220-260 students, from kindergarten through fifth grade, with both a General Education and Cantonese Biliteracy Program.

Sutro’s vision is to educate and inspire our students to have a life-long love of learning and an understanding of our diverse world.

Sutro’s goals include:

  • Continuing to strengthen our instructional program by participating in Common Core English Language Arts Professional Development and implementing Balanced Literacy.

  • Based on our data analysis, we will focus on supporting our English Language Learners, our school-wide Writers Workshop, guided reading, and our Social Emotional Learning program in the areas of efficacy and growth mindset.

蘇卓小學成立於 1894 年,位於加州三藩巿的列治文區。 Sutro 是一所多元化、緊密結合的學校,為 大約220-260 名學生提供教學服務,從幼兒園到五年級,提供通識教育和粵語雙語課程。



  • 通過參與共同核心英語語言藝術專業發展和實施平衡讀寫能力,繼續加強我們的教學計劃。

  • 根據我們的數據分析,我們將專注於支持我們的英語學習者、全校寫作研討會、引導閱讀以及我們在效能和成長心態領域的社交情感學習計劃。

Letter from Principal Bonfiglio


I am honored and excited to be the Principal of Sutro Elementary School. Sutro is a school where approximately 260 students learn to be successful academically, physically and socially each year. We give students the skills to share their knowledge, develop a healthy lifestyle, and behave in ways that are respectful to everyone. Staff, students, and parents are all proud of the community we have created.

High academic expectations and our Cantonese bi-literacy program are the cornerstone of our work with students, and we are successful. Teachers are being trained in the latest strategies designed to promote student growth and elicit high intellectual performance. Sutro has been focusing on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and our teachers are highly skillful at helping all students achieve these standards.

I aim to ensure that Sutro continues to foster responsible, respectful and kind students. I am honored to serve all students, teachers, and families in partnership. Thank you all for the opportunity to lead Sutro Elementary School.

- Beth Bonfiglio, Principal   

我很榮幸也很高興成為 蘇卓小學的校長。蘇卓是一所每年約有 260 名學生學習,他們一起在學業上、體能上和社交方面也在學習並取得成功的學校。我們培養學生, 讓他們懂得分享知識、養成健康生活方式以及以尊重每個人的方式行事的技能。我們的學校員工、學生和家長都為我們所創建的社區感到自豪。高學術的期望和我們的粵語雙語課程是我們與學生合作的基石,我們取得了成功。教師正在接受旨在促進學生成長和提高智力表現的最新策略的培訓。 蘇卓一直專注於共同核心州標準 (CCSS),我們的老師非常擅長幫助所有學生達到這些標準。我的目標是確保 蘇卓繼續培養負責任、尊重和善良的學生。我很榮幸能夠以合作夥伴的身份為所有學生、教師和家庭服務。感謝大家有機會領導蘇卓小學。

Beth Bonfiglio, 貝絲 · 邦菲利奧 校長

Our campus 我們的校舍:

235 12th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94118

Classes start at 9:30 a.m. (九點半上課)

Pick-up is at 3:45 p.m. except on Wednesday when early dismissal is 2:30 p.m. 放學時間為下午 3:45。 逢星期三 提前在下午 2:30放學。

Gates open on Funston Street at 9:10 a.m. for drop off.

上午 9 點 10 分,Funston 街的學校大門開啟,讓您送小孩上學。

No double parking / do not leave your car in the white zone or unattended…SFMTA will ticket you!

禁止并排停車, 也不要將您的車停在白色區域,或無人看管 - SFMTA 會向您開罰單的!

  • Recess by grade level (小息)

    10:40 a.m.-11:00 a.m.  Kinder, 1st and 2nd grade (yard)

    11:05 a.m.-11:20 a.m.  3rd, 4th and 5th grade (yard)

    Lunch by grade level - 20 min eating 20 min play (午飯)

    12:20 p.m.-1:00 p.m.  Kinder, 1st and 2nd grade (yard)

    12:50 p.m.-1:30 p.m.  3rd, 4th and 5th grade (yard)

    Afternoon recess by grade level (下午小息)

    2:05 p.m.-2:25 p.m.  Kinder (yard)

    2:10 p.m.-2:25 p.m.  1st and 2nd grade (yard)

    2:10 p.m.-2:25 p.m.  3rd grade (yard) *

    *3rd graders have no recess on Wednesday (early dismissal)

    **4th and 5th graders don’t have an afternoon recess

  • Our YMCA Morning Care program fosters each child's cognitive, social-emotional and physical development through opportunities and cognitive, social-emotional and physical development experiences which focus on achievement, relationships, and belonging. Join the fun!

    Monday - Friday * 7:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m.
    *Students must be dropped off by 8:30 a.m.

    Program Cost 2024-2025 School Year:

    Facility Member: $189 / month
    Community Member: $236 / month

    How to Apply:

    To register online, visit: https://community.ymcasf.org/s/registration 

    Or register in-person at the Richmond District YMCA at 360 18th Ave, San Francisco, CA 94121 

    *Financial Assistance is available* 

    For additional information, reach out to Jazzy Mendoza - Jmendoza@ymcasf.org

  • Program Hours:

    Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: Dismissal (3:45 p.m.)-6:30 p.m.

    Wednesday: Dismissal (2:30 p.m.)-6:30 p.m.

    Program Cost 2024-2025 School Year:

    Families who qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch can attend our program free of cost. *Documentation is required​*

    Facility Members (Membership with the YMCA): $277 per month

    Community Members: $347 per month

    How to Apply:

    To apply online visit ymcasf.org

    Paper Applications can be found in the office.

    To request a Financial Assistance Application contact Jazzy at Jmendoza@ymcasf.org

  • Program Hours

    2:15 p.m.-6:00 p.m. (M-F regular school days)
    8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. (Spring and Summer Breaks)

    Our Program at a Glance

    • Do you want your child to spend his or her summer in fun and constructive ways?

    • Does your child need to sharpen his or her academic skills during the summer break?

    • Do you dream of introducing your child to new, enriching opportunities?

    • Do you want your student in an academically stimulating program during the school year and during the summer months?

    Then enroll your student with us at Sutro OST and have a safe, worry-free, and enriching learning experience for your student.

    More info here.

  • Generally requiring a nominal fee, other activities are available for interested students. These activities have included mandarin language, piano, robotics, yoga/mindfulness, sports teams, and coding classes.

    Parents/PTA members are welcome to start/coordinate new after school programs such as sports, music, and language.

Our staff is devoted, dedicated and committed.

Follow us to get the last news on our school on Facebook and Instagram

Non-Discrimination Policy: San Francisco Unified School District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression; or on the basis of a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.
If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying, you should immediately contact the school site principal and/or Director of the Office of Equity (CCR Title 5 and Title IX Officer), Keasara (Kiki) Williams, at 415-355-7334 or equity@sfusd.edu. A copy of SFUSD’s uniform complaint policy and SFUSD’s non-discrimination policy are available upon request.